Site Overview
Extensive browser support
Tested for all common browsers and systems
Template successfully tested for (+ indicates the named browser version plus all higher versions):
Windows XP & 2000
IE6+, Firefox 2.0+, Mozilla 1.7+, Netscape 7.2+, Opera 9.0+, Safari 3.0+.
Windows 7 & Vista
IE7+, Firefox 2.0+, Opera 9.0+.
Mac OSX 10.3
Firefox 2.0+, Mozilla 1.7+, Netscape 7.2+, Opera 9.0+, Camino 1.0+, Safari 1.3+.
Mac OSX 10.4
Firefox 2.0+, Mozilla 1.7+, Netscape 7.2+, Opera 9.0+, Camino 1.0+, Safari 2.0+.
Linux (Fedora Core 4)
Firefox 2.0+, Mozilla 1.7+, Opera 9.0+, Konqueror 3.4+.
About me
Hello, my name is William. I am a veteran developer with extensive experience in retail POS applications and CRM solutions.
This is the first major upgrade of my personal website. Purpose of this site is mainly for fun, perhaps, also as a testbed with various web application development technology.
Layout of this site is based on an open source design with minor changes. Please visit the designer's web site below for more details.
Design template is free!
Enjoy the template for free. There are no restrictions in the license. As a sign of appreciation, please keep the author credits "Design by" in the template footer. Thanks!